
In case you wish to proceed with the exchange of the product and we receive the product from your place, you will be charged the shipping costs.


You have the right to return the products you bought, free of charge and without having to tell us the reason why you want the products returned, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date you receive the products. In this case, only the direct cost of returning the products will be borne by you. Returns are accepted provided:

  • You contacted our online store upon receipt of the products.
  • The products are in the same condition in which you received them, without missing the product accessories (warranty, box, operation manual) or having been modified in any way (eg removing parts of the bracelet).
  • The product is accompanied by a retail receipt or invoice.
  • The return of the returned product is done through a courier company.

Please make sure the shipping packaging is secure so as not to cause any damage during transport.

We inform you that N&M VITOPOULOS. is not responsible in case of loss or destruction of the product during the transfer of the return In case of return of the products, your refund will be completed within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of the products.

After 10 days, the official representations of Greece for the brands they represent become responsible for any claims.

This Convention does not affect any consumer rights provided by law.